Android Layout FindViewById Returns Null
view.findViewById(; is returning null for some reason. ... android:id="@ id/call_icon" . Tonight is one of those times and the issue was an Android Layout one. I had a layout xml file with the following id on a TextView: id=”@ id/foo”.. Most of them come with the advice to use android:id instead of just id in ... In my case findViewById() returned null, because the layout in which ... Beat the flab with these healthy alternatives
android view.findviewbyid returns null
view.findViewById(; is returning null for some reason. ... android:id="@ id/call_icon" . Tonight is one of those times and the issue was an Android Layout one. I had a layout xml file with the following id on a TextView: id=”@ id/foo”.. Most of them come with the advice to use android:id instead of just id in ... In my case findViewById() returned null, because the layout in which ... eff9728655 Beat the flab with these healthy alternatives
android view.findviewbyid returns null The Unlocking of the iPhone UPDATE
One of the little-known features of developing an Android application with ... The next thing is to change the layout file by making the outer tag ... class and just sets them to null if they aren't in the inflated layout. Topaz Gigapixel AI 4.4.2 (x64)